Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sex With a Yeast Infection

Sex offers the body a great deal of health benefits that many people do not often recognize. Many times people will focus on their fulfilment where sex is concerned but according to Joy Davidson PHD a sex therapist and psychologist, there are many other things that sex does for you and there are scientist facts available to back this up. What are the 10 hidden health benefit of sex? Well let's find out as follows.

1. Sex burns calories

According to leading sexologists, up to 85 calories will be burnt with a 30 minute session of sex. Although this may not sound like an insignificant number of calories to burn, repeating this will double the amount burnt and in the end, people can loose some weight in the process. Therefore, it makes it a good mode of exercise that can be employed even by the laziest of persons.

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2. Sex enhances immunity

This is immunity from conditions such as colds and a myriad of other infections. It is said that having sex at least once a week will go a long way in helping the production of the antibody IgA. Which is also called immunoglobulin A. High levels of this antibody triggered by sexual activity will help keep at bay the infections mentioned and keep the body healthy.

3. Sex reduces stress

According to 'biology psychology' which is a journal published by experts in this field, stress was found to be lower and better handled by people who were frequently engaged in sex compared to those who abstained. Experts say that blood pressure especially in women will be lowered which will lead to stress relief. The lower diastolic blood pressure sex is associated with was seen to be behind this action to cut stress.

4. Sex strengthens the heart

Many people over the years have been worried about the dangers of sex especially when people have heart problems. Many believed that it could cause a stroke but these claims have been refuted. According to British researchers, sex will do the opposite and in a study published in the journal of 'epidemiology and community health', having sex twice or more a week will reduce chances of fatal heart attacks by half in men. This is in comparison with those who had less sex.

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5. Sex enhances self-esteem

According to researchers of the University of Texas, most people interviewed about this said that sex makes people feel better regarding their esteem. Sex therapists agree that with this esteem, people can even know how to have better sex in their lives. This study can be found in the 'archives of sexual behaviour'.

6. Sex improves intimacy and relationships

The love hormone or oxytocin has been seen to increase in level due to frequent orgasms. This hormone is able to create a bond between people who have sex together to build a stronger unity that has been seen to improve even marriages. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have confirmed this and advice couples to make love more often for a better bond.

7. Sex can reduce pain

Due to the action of this hormone, endorphins will be released by the body in high levels. This is able to help pain decline and among many others, people suffering from arthritis, headaches, PMS can find some relief after sex. Studies have supported this and many are tapping into it.

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8. Sex reduce the risk of prostrate cancer

This is owed to frequent ejaculations and men who ejaculate more in their 20s will tend to suffer less from this disease in their future. 'The British Journal or Urology' reports this.

9. Sex makes pelvic floor muscles stronger

This applies to women and they can exercise their pelvic floor muscles during intercourse and these are called kegels. In the future, women will reduce their chances of incontinence. Kegels involve tightening these muscles then releasing.

10. Sex for better sleep

Research has also proved that after orgasm, people will sleep better and this is due to oxytocin which is released. These are the top health benefits of sex.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text detailing love and sex as both a joyful experience and a spiritual one. Though it was written nearly two thousand years ago, with parts of it being even older, it is finding new life today in the new media technologies. You can find fantastic guides to the Kama Sutra online.

Finding the Kama Sutra on the World Wide Web
In order to study online, you must have access to it and to supporting documents. Start with Bibliomania and other online library outlets, where the full text can be found. This is not an ideal solution, as online text files do not include the rich collections of pictures you can find in most print editions book, but it will get you started on the study.

Follow this by looking for Kama Sutra online study guides. There are easily dozens of quality texts and interactive books that give you all the information you need about it and how you can apply it to your life. Be sure to check Google Images While some of the images are just plain pornographic exploitation, you will often find very good quality charts and graphics that will give you the visual instruction that digital texts do not.

What Not To Use for Online Kama Sutra Study
Unfortunately, like anything dealing with sex and pleasure, the test has been exploited by those who do not understand it. It is not just about sex, but rather, about a way of life, a way you can use sex on a deep emotional and spiritual level to bring you to that nirvanic sense of orgasm on a daily basis. It is also about the way men and women should deal with one another prior to sex, basically how to court one another.

There are a number of online outlets and print publications that take advantage of the notoriety of the book to sell their own products. For instance, Cosmo Magazine has a guide to Kama Sutra that is, frankly, just a collection of sex positions. When you study online, avoid this sort of material. Gravitate, instead, toward quality materials that focus on channeling sexual energy to enhance your and your partner's lives. Remember, tantric love making is a way of life, not a one-night stand. Treat it with respect, and you will be generously rewarded.
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